psychic talk radio
The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl: What Does It Mean To Balance Giving And Receiving?

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl: What Does It Mean To Balance Giving And Receiving?

  12/07/2021  06:00 pm PST

Amber Mikesell and Austin Uhl Heart Leader PodcastHave you ever found yourself feeling drained by the end of the day? Feeling like you've given all you have and that you just need to collapse before you get up and do it all again?


This is a key sign that our giving and receiving is out of balance.


Tune into this episode as Amber and Austin discuss:


▸ What it means to create a personal balance between giving and receiving to avoid "the crash"

▸ Balancing all levels of "self"

▸ Is it truly better to give than receive?


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Amber Mikesell - Founder, Suivera

Amber Mikesell

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with weekly Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl Tuesdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET The Heart Leader™ Podcast...

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Austin Uhl Host on Transformation Talk Radio

Austin Uhl

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with weekly Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl Tuesdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET   The Heart Leader™...

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