psychic talk radio
The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl: What Does It Mean To Be A Heart Leader?

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl: What Does It Mean To Be A Heart Leader?

  11/16/2021  06:00 pm PST

What does it mean to be a heart leader? Episode 1 - Guest: Austin Uhl, Founder of SuiveraWe’re familiar with Thought Leaders…but what about those who are able to combine intellect with compassion?

Unprecedented times often call for unprecedented evolution.

In our case, it's humanity's evolution as a whole, but starting from the individual as we remember how to connect with who we are at our very core through the power of Love.

▸ How can we keep moving forward, but not repeat the same mistakes?

▸ How can we breathe compassion into our actions for the betterment of ourselves and our world?

Questions like these have been a part of humanity's journey (individually and collectively) for thousands of years - helping to shape history and spark individuals around the world into what many would call a spiritual awakening.

This awakening can take many how can we break it down to one simple component?

It starts by us recognizing that each person is a Leader.

Yes, on a large scale, you can be a Leader of a community or an organization. But, you can also be an individual Leader to yourself.

You are always leading yourself in some way, shape or's about HOW you Lead yourself that is key.

Having more intention, purpose and awareness leads to shaping conscious choice.

Some personal choices can leave you unfulfilled, while others can complete transform your path and provide self-actualization.

Today's discussion begins to touch on this transformative subject, helping to provide a simplified framework for what it means to be a Heart Leader. 


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Amber Mikesell - Founder, Suivera

Amber Mikesell

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with weekly Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl Tuesdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET The Heart Leader™ Podcast...

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Austin Uhl Host on Transformation Talk Radio

Austin Uhl

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with weekly Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl Tuesdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET   The Heart Leader™...

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