The High Vibe Show with Elisa V: Livin' the High Vibe Life!: Your Divorce Compass: Coaching Meets Forensic Accounting
07/01/2024 09:30 am PDT
Navigate your divorce with confidence and clarity. Join us as we bring together expert divorce coaching and forensic accounting to uncover hidden assets, simplify complex financial documents, and connect you with trusted professionals. Equip yourself with the knowledge and resources to make informed decisions, avoid excessive legal fees, and move forward with peace of mind.
Elisa Valentino
The High Vibe Show with Elisa V: Livin' the High Vibe Life! I am so thrilled to invite you to experience my podcast The HIGH VIBE™ Show with Elisa V: Livin' The High...
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Ursula De Paz
Meet Ursula, a Certified Divorce Coach with a background as a forensic accountant with 17 years of experience in one of Miami's leading firms for Divorce and Family Law.&nbs...
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