psychic talk radio
The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Lady Boss: Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 5 with Dana Theriault and Dianne Solano

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Lady Boss: Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 5 with Dana Theriault and Dianne Solano

  09/27/2019  12:00 pm PST

What does mean it to be a “Consumer”? Is consumption limited to the MATTER you put in your mouth when it comes to health, healing, or human potential? What comes to MIND when you think of all you “consume”? You can feed your Body and fuel your whole Being because you can MAKE YOUR MIND MATTER.


Meet DR. JOE DISPENZA TEAM LEADER, Legacy-making SOULpreneur, and our very own LADY BOSS! In her leadership and mindset mastery as an orthomolecular and functional medicine nutrition expert, our guest can help you with WHAT to consume and HOW to create your best body, brain, and version of YOU with Lifestyle and Mind-to-Matter Medecine. #LADYBOSS #LEADERSHIPLEGACY #LOVEANDLIFESTYLEMEDECINE #MINDTOMATTER #HEALTHANDWELLTH


TUNE IN to receive your FREE GIFT. In this episode you will: • Appreciate that, consciously or unconsciously, you already have a lifestyle and that with a simple switch you can create a new life/lifestyle • Learn how you can choose to live 4 foundational and functional freedoms • Hear universal laws (vibration, attraction, and creation) to be, do, and have

Episode giveaways:

  • TUNE IN to receive your FREE GIFT. In this episode you will: • Appreciate that, consciously or unconsciously, you already have a lifestyle and that with a simple switch you can create a new life/lifestyle • Learn how you can choose to live 4 foundational and functional freedoms • Hear universal laws (vibration, attraction, and creation) to be, do, and have


the kornelia stephanie show on transformation talk radio

Kornelia Stephanie

The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group  Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...

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Dana Theriault

Dana Theriault

More than 'in remission', Dana is all about being on purpose beyond breast cancer to remember her mission: To inspire women and growing girls in their personal leadership t...

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Dianne Solano

Dianne Solano

Dianne I. Solano, RNCP, ROHP, is a Registered Orthomolecular Nutritional Consultant Practitioner, a former teacher at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and an active ...

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