psychic talk radio
The Laura Longley Show: What is Midlife Crisis and how can we be our true selves? Guest Frankie Picasso

The Laura Longley Show: What is Midlife Crisis and how can we be our true selves? Guest Frankie Picasso

  05/07/2013  01:00 pm PST

For many, Midlife is a time of great questioning. It is a time when many seek their purpose and look for a more esoteric existence, searching for their spirituality, their soul and more meaning to their life. It is also a time when many feel TRAPPED within the confines of responsibilities, family and fears. How can we make overcome these obstacles and emerge as our "True Self?" What is the Midlife Crisis? During today's show Laura will be talking with Frankie Picasso about Frankie's book "Midlife Mojo- How to Get through the Midlife Crisis and Emerge as Your true Self" and what is a Midlife Crisis, does everyone go through a midlife crisis? How to know if you are having a midlife crisis? Is it possible to rid ourselves of self-doubt?


Laura Longley

Laura Longley

The Laura Longley Show with Host Laura Longley Where authentic change takes flight.Tune in to The Laura Longley Show on Mondays at 11am PT2pm ET and discover how to make pos...

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 Frankie Picasso

Frankie Picasso

Frankie Picasso is an International  SocialPreneur, Talk Show Host, and Champion for Change who has been transforming lives and influencing culture for the past 30 year...

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