psychic talk radio
the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change: Episode 11 - Shifting the "Shoulds"

the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change: Episode 11 - Shifting the "Shoulds"

  11/05/2021  12:30 pm PDT

the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change: Episode 11 - Shifting the "Shoulds" 

Remember when meditation wasn't mainstream? What about Reiki sounded too "Woo Woo" to be true?


Sensory deprivation, sound therapy, and cryotherapy are alternative healing modalities that were once "outside the norm".  Today, we navigate away from "the shoulds" as we ask questions and find our own unique ways to heal ourselves and reclaim our power. 


We continue to uncover and integrate ancient wisdoms and systems that are often buried or overshadowed by Western culture. Generating curiosity and engaging new perspectives helps inform us as we discuss making The SHIFT from the "Shoulds".


Curiosity is the key to shifting perspective, especially when it comes to exploring new concepts, ideas, and practices that we have never heard of, or understand completely.


Curiosity leads to awareness which leads to possibility and Voilà, THE SHIFT BEGINS!



On The SHIFT Podcast, our goal is to widen your perspective, effect positive change through informed choice within ourselves and our relationships, and ultimately our world.  We'll bridge the gap between 'here' and 'there', whatever that means for you.  


We expand our exploration into new perspectives, and ideas that reframe traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, and self-love, while strengthening our connection to self and one another in the process.


You don't want to miss this!


Join us live at 12:30 Pacific / 3:30 pm Eastern on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month.


The SHIFT starts Now!




On the SHIFT, we use multiple perspectives to effect positive change within ourselves and our communities.  We create a reframe on traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, self-love and self-care.  We discover new wisdom and learnings by stretching our existing understanding of social protocols, health and spiritual practices, personal belief systems, celebrations and cultural influences.


Viewing life through multiple perspectives helps us find new tools and teachings that can support us in healing, in understanding ourselves better, and realizing the potential in our self-actualization. As we journey through perspective, we learn ways to reclaim our power from where we have historically given it away.



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