psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Bonnie Strehlow

Founder of InnerResources

Co-Director of The One Command Life

Bonnie Strehlow is a trained Medical Intuitive, coach, healer, teacher and co-author, along with Asara Lovejoy, of the Nightingale-Conant program The Theta Code: Activate Your Blueprint for Vital Health the key to finding your own healing blueprint that is the most cutting edge health and wellness program out on the market today.

Her background from clown to social worker to healer, seminar leader and coach has always been to make a difference in someones lifewhile having fun in the process. Because if you arent having fun with your life, something is out of balance.

Along with her own coaching practice, Bonnie teaches teleseminars about personal growth and healthier living. She is also the co-director of The One Command Life, and along with Dr. Katie Garnett, she shares weekly conversations with you on The One Command Life members Wednesday morning teleclasses, focusing on healing, personal transformation and creating the life that you desire.

Bonnie went through the fire of her own journey for emotional and physical healing culminating in an instant healing in 2003. The process of relearning to live as a healthy person without her chronic illness has brought her deep wisdom that she brings to her clients and students as they, too, walk their journey to greater health.

As a child she was highly intuitive and found that she just knew things that people were thinking and feeling. It made for an interesting childhood as, like many of us, she never quite fit in. What didn't work for her as a child, however, is now one of her greatest strengthsbeing able to quickly get to the heart of an underlying issue and bring release and relief to those who are experiencing life-altering challenges.


Wendy R. Wolf