psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Candace Wheeler M.A.

Candace Lynn Wheeler, M.A., B.Sc.Ed.
Spiritual Psychology Intuitive International Counselor Claircognizant Clairsentient Empath

I have learned the value of unconditional loving compassion and spiritual nurturing energy for a client’s healing journey. It’s not just what I do, or what I know, it’s what I have inside my heart and soul to give. I am devoted to being a source of strength, comfort, healing, and guidance and am here to uplift and love individuals to gladness and serenity.

The powerful, unexpected life lessons that have served as mystical, spiritual guidance on my journey have formed my devotion to the discovery of the natural power of our spirit. The heart of my work empowers the grace of Inner Truth, an invitation to evoke the fullest depth of the soul to trust your true nature. By facilitating a path to transcending our illusions, a collaborative flow with life is inspired that leads to living fully and authentically.

As a requirement for completing a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology, I created a book about my life. Much to my surprise, it awakened me to the extraordinary phenomenon I have lived; from an awestruck 4-year-old vibrating the same heavenly energy as a Divine Living Vision on Easter morning, to a Supernatural Experience, clairvoyantly seeing the lives of men revealed to me in a maximum-security prison, bringing them to awaken to their true nature, to a year of treacherous occurrences leading to a Dark Night of the Soul, and a profound event in cardiac intensive care, finding my spirit free of my body, pulsating as light spreading throughout infinity within the vast love of Near-Death. That book blatantly proclaimed I had been blessed with a broader, deeper, higher perspective of life than I had realized, clearly guiding me to reach for the work of healing and transformation.

Having eagerly studied psychology long before earning a master’s degree, I created a seminar pioneering the use of interactive video feedback. Witnessing the vision of participants’ eyes at considerable close range on a large screen revealed the essence of the soul beneath the surface of the physical. In that sacred moment, there is an opening to the fullness of the truest self, allowing the warmth of spiritual light to emanate from their being, causing others to grow in their light. This unfurls a long-awaited acceptance and love for each innermost spirit and understanding of each other.

The work gained momentum as I appeared on television and radio across the country including ABC’s Regis Philbin answering live call-ins. But the work deepened spiritually in the prisons. As each man witnessed the close-up of his eyes on the large screen, I watched the hearts of these hardened men open wide to fall in love with themselves and each other. The work became my purpose. I finally accepted the intuitive gifts I had been given.

With 40 years of practiced skills in seminars, counseling, interactive guided imagery, readings, and influencing on television, I am now accomplished in perceiving energies, claircognitively knowing, clairsentiently feeling, and clairvoyantly seeing the magical connections between a client’s present pain and the wounds of the past, providing deep clarity for healing.

I am blessed to have learned immensely by personally engaging with the extraordinary minds and spirits of Jean Houston, Buckminster Fuller, Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, Louise Hay, Norman Cousins, Carolyn Myss, Jack Canfield, David Whyte, Joan Borensenko, Julia Cameron, Susan Jeffers, Jerry Jampolski, Cheryl Richardson, Barbera De Angeles, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Terri Cole Whitaker, Patricia Sun, Rachael Remen, Richard Moss, Thomas Crum, Wyatt Webb, Martin Rossman, Ronald and Mary Hulnick, Valery Hunt, and Rosalyn Bruyere. I am grateful for the writings of momentous individuals who have affected my work and life tremendously. Gary Zukov, John O’Donohue, Thich Nhat Hanh, Eckhart Tolle, Kahil Gibran, Rumi, Lao Tzu, Mother Theresa, Sri Aurobindo, David Whyte, Mary Oliver, Mark Nepo, Alice Miller, Ram Dass, Brugh Joy, Alan Watts, Ken Keyes, David R. Hawkins, Joe Dispenza, Barbara Ann Brennan, Ira Progoff, Jon Kabat-Zin, and Parmahansa Yogananda as well as ALL THE AUTHORS ON THE RESOURCES PAGE.

- Candace Lynn Wheeler, M.A.


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