psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Claire Dore

I’m Claire, The Wild Woman CEO, THE Dating Empress and Rebel Queen,

Welcome, soooo good to “meet” you.

I am a mindset and embodiment coach, I coach soul aligned entrepreneurs to f*ck logic and embody an unshakable trust, I coach you and empower you to release the BS stories so you can step fully into your power and live the orgasmic, truly turned on life you desire.  

Tell me if this is you?…what I’ve seen is these woman all have three things in common: 1) addiction to being busy, 2) people pleasing and 3) believing that they’re the only ones who can do anything in their life and business.  Sound familiar? 

I teach you to do WAY less (seriously we’ll cut your to-do lists by 90%), drop the people pleasing, and learn to delegate, so you can reclaim your time, your sanity & enjoy a juicy fulfilling life that truly turns you on!

Sounds impossible right?  I cannot tell you the power in slowing down…yep I’m talking about having time to sit down in your day, find the pleasure, listen deeply & not run around a million miles an hour. 

I’ll tell you another secret, I thought I had to behave like Wonder Woman & do everything at the speed of light to achieve more & get the results I desired.  I was so crazy busy, people used to call me SuperWoman!

  • I thought I needed to have everything perfect, like everything, that makes your life seriously busy btw & perfection is never achievable!
  • My day would literally be planned by the minute, there was never any space, I was constantly in action mode, constantly pushing & literally ran from one thing to the other. 
  • I was completely unaligned, I wasn’t tuned into my intuition & instead did what I thought I should do instead of what my heart & soul was saying to me.
  • I was at the bottom of the pile.  There was no time for me, I was busy in my business, busy being a Mum, busy running a house…self care & self love literally fell off the list.  I had no clue that taking care of me first was most important when running a business.

It took me ages to learn that the more I behaved in this way, the more I suffered from overwhelm, procrastination & paralysis!  SuperWoman mode is unsustainable, as well as not healthy for us, all women need to unlearn this way of being.  As women if we lead our lives in this way for too long it creates burnout & at this stage we really have to make a change quickly.  That’s how I can help you.

Let me help itch your feet.  Help you stop “Wonder Woman” in her tracks.  Uncover what’s next.  Help you up-level your business.  And truly step into who YOU are & shake off the stuff that’s quite frankly holding you back.

Not used to putting yourself first?  I can so relate.  I put my kids, husband, friends, community all above me every time.  All that did was just hurt myself. 

So if you’re putting yourself at the bottom of the pile that is gonna need to change to be able to change the world.  Ok?

This is about taking a look at those thinking patterns, the ones that really quite frankly can “do one”….with me? 

We all have that annoying inner critic that just gets in the way…I have one too


Wendy R. Wolf