psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

David Bognar

David Bognars' quest for answers began with reading a book about Raja Yoga and practicing meditation at age 15. Pursuing his intense curiosity about people, psychology, and the metaphysical he became a voracious reader and explored countless therapies, spiritual disciplines and techniques. While working as a mental health worker, and treatment coordinator he deepened his understanding by participating in numerous workshops and trainings. He discovered that accurate and understandable information about feelings, essential for emotional well being, was hard to find. In 1991, he wrote the book, The Human Operators Manual - How Feelings Work: a Psychological Primer, with Dr Stewart Zelman.

Wanting to see helpful psychological information be more readily available he decided television was an ideal medium. To learn the craft he worked as a cable television studio manager, and at a new age film production company. He developed ideas and scripts, and produced and edited local television shows and documentaries. After cancer claimed the life of his girlfriend at the untimely age of thirty-three, David painstakingly researched, wrote and produced CANCER: Increasing Your Odds for Survival -- a comprehensive overview of information and resources to assist cancer patients in surviving cancer. Walter Cronkite narrated the award winning four-hour public television series, which aired nationally and focused on mind/body medicine and the psychological and spiritual components of healing. Dave also researched and wrote the highly praised companion book, CANCER: Increasing Your Odds for Survival, A Resource Guide for the Integrating Mainstream, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies, published by Hunter House.

After 40 years of research into the big questions of life, David wrote Enlightenment, a psycho-spiritual primer. He is motivated by the fact that information about psychology and spirituality can help people suffer less and enjoy life more. By presenting this information, in a concise and easy-to-understand manner, he hopes that greater numbers of people will benefit from this knowledge.


Wendy R. Wolf