psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Dawn Aegle

Dawn Aegle is the publisher of Survive, Transform, Soar!, an inbox magazine for former partners of toxic relationships.
After leaving a 10-year relationship with a narcissistic partner, she was shocked at the intensity of the aftermath symptoms and an almost total loss of her sense of self. Battling depression, C-PTSD and breast cancer, she found a way through. Looking back, she identified three stages of recovery she moved through and realized that “survival was not enough.”
Dawn is a former public relations executive in the technology and financial services industries. She watched herself devolve from a confident, happy, financially and emotionally self-sufficient woman into someone who could not envision a possible future she cared about living.
 After telling a friend, “If this could happen to me, it could happen to anyone,” she created Survive, Transform, Soar!, a weekly inbox magazine that includes feature articles by expert panelists who write about toxic relationship recovery, personality disorders, emotional abuse, grieving, self-growth and personal transformation, somatic healing, art therapy, exercise and nutrition, regeneration after financial rape and other topics that help people create a life they love.
Dawn’s goal is to support others who don’t understand what is happening to them, help them re-establish hope for a positive future rather than getting stuck in a mindset of victimization, and guide them to create a new life where they are free to flourish.


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