psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Dr. Reese Kelly

Dr. Reese Kelly (he/him) is the CEO and founder of Embodied Values, a business that helps individuals, communities, and organizations heal and transform in order to be better aligned with their values. Reese provides intentionally and uniquely crafted services to his clients that include bodywork & massage, inclusive leadership coaching and trainings, diversity, equity, and inclusion consulting, and more. He has 20 years of experience in higher education and most recently served as the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, Equity and Inclusion at Champlain College. Reese identifies as a white, queer, neurotypical trans man born and raised in the middle-class suburbs outside of Detroit. He is the product of public K-12 education, a graduate of Colby College and holds a masters and doctorate in Sociology from SUNY Albany. The proud husbear of a 13th generation Vermonter, Reese is a resident of St. Albans, VT and a founding member of the local anti-racist organization, Neighbors for a Safer Saint Albans.


The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond