psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Felicity Warner

Felicity Warner, founder of the  global Soul Midwives Movement,  lectures both nationally and internationally and runs The Soul Midwives’ School, based in Dorset, UK . It’s unique training programme teaches holistic and spiritual  care for the end of life.

She  has won many awards for her work with the dying  and created the idea of soul midwifery after sitting with many hundreds of people at the end of life.  Her pioneering work has brought a new dimension to holistic and spiritual palliative care, both in the UK and abroad (there are now soul midwives working in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa).

She was named “End of Life Care champion” by the National Council for Palliative Care and also in “End of Life Doula”in  2017 as well as being  of the year and was named an Inspirational Woman of the Year by the Daily Mail.

She is author of four acclaimed books – Gentle Dying and A Safe Journey Home, The  Soul Midwives’ Handbook  and Sacred Oils- 20 Precious Oils to heal Spirit and Soul and was made an honorary knowledge exchange fellow  of The University of Winchester in 2014 .

She explains: ‘My aim is to have a Soul Midwife in every hospital, care home and hospice within the next five years in the UK.’

Soul midwives  employ sophisticated knowledge of the dying process to ease the passage towards death  and bring relief from fear and suffering. Felicity is a passionate campaigner for raising standards of care at the end of life.

From volunteering in local hospices and working one-to-one with  dying people in the last days of life, she developed the Gentle Dying method( now called TLC)  which offers comfort when medicine has reached its limits. It can be learned and used by any one, in any care setting, to make death a peaceful and dignified experience.

Her special interests are the psycho-spiritual and soul dynamics at the end of life, researching traditional folk lore and sacred ritual in the care of the dying and also introducing ways of caring for the dying with love and compassion


The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond