psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Gino Tenace

“I wake up every morning driven to transform the current approach to health care, particularly when it comes to people with chronic pain. I know MOBĒ can do better for them. And will…”


Gino Tenace is the President and CEO of MOBE, a firm he founded that provides a guided self-management program for people struggling with pain. Gino has been in the health care industry most of his life serving many executive roles including senior vice president of United Healthcare and Chief Strategy Officer for MedSolutions. He has presented before the healthcare teams for President George W. Bush and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and most recently, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.


Gino received both a B.S. in Computer Science and an MBA from Clarkson University, where he graduated first in his class. He also served in the U.S. Army National Guard for 14 years, reaching the rank of Major.


You can learn more about him and his company at There you can reach their blogs and learn valuable information, including how to incorporate guided self-management programs for people struggling with pain into your company’s health plan.


Wendy R. Wolf