psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Jeffrey Smith

The leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices, Jeffrey M. Smith, is the author of the world's bestselling and 1 rated book on the health dangers genetically modified organisms GMOs. His meticulous research documents how biotech companies continue to mislead legislators and safety officials to put the health of society at risk, and the environment in peril.

His first book Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating masterfully combines the art of storytelling and investigative reporting. His second book, Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, is the authoritative work on GMO health dangers. It includes 65 health dangers, linking GMOs in our food to toxic and allergic reactions, infertility, and damage to virtually every internal organ studied in lab animals. The book expertly summarizes why the safety assessments conducted by the FDA and regulators worldwide teeter on a foundation of outdated science and false assumptions, and why GM foods must urgently become our nation's top food safety priority. Former UK environment minister says the revelations in Genetic Roulette may "change the global course of events this century."

Mr. Smith has counseled leaders from every continent, campaigned to end the use of genetically engineered bovine growth hormone rbGH or rbST, and influenced the first state laws in the United States regulating GMOs. An admired keynote speaker around the globe, Mr. Smith has been described as "a life-changer". Mr. Smith has lectured in 30 countries and has been quoted by world leaders and hundreds of media outlets including, The New York Times, Washington Post, BBC World Service, Nature, The Independent, Daily Telegraph, New Scientist, The Times London, Associated Press, Reuters News Service, LA Times, Time Magazine and Genetic Engineering News. Mr. Smith is also a popular guest on influential radio shows and television programs, such as the BBC, NPR, Fox News, Democracy Now and the Dr. Oz Show.

Former US National Institutes of Health scientist Candace Pert describes Jeffrey as "the leading world expert in the understanding and communication of the health issues surrounding genetically modified foods."

Mr. Smith has united leaders to support, The Campaign for Healthier Eating in America, a revolutionary industry and consumer movement to remove GMOs from the US food supply. He is the executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology, producer of the films Hidden Dangers in Kids' Meals and Your Milk on DrugsJust Say No, writes an internationally syndicated column, Spilling the Beans, has a regular blog on the popular Huffington Post, and is followed on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

The Institute for Responsible Technology's Campaign for Healthier Eating in America mobilizes citizens, organizations, businesses, and the media, to achieve the tipping point of consumer rejection of genetically modified foods.

The Institute produces a wide range of consumer education and advocacy tools for its seven million monthly web site visitors and newsletter readers, including the nation's most popular non-GMO in-store brand publication, the Non-GMO Shopping Guide.

The Institute informs policy makers and the public around the world about the risks and impacts of GMOs on health, environment, agriculture, the global economy, and the problems associated with current research, regulation, corporate practices, and reporting.

Mr. Smith lives with his wife in Iowa, surrounded by genetically modified soybeans and corn.


Wendy R. Wolf