psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Joan Rose Staffen

Joan Rose Staffen is a writer, artist, and psychic healer. On the spiritual path since her early twenties, she has explored many healing modalities including psychic healing, yoga, meditation, a Course in Miracles, Unity Church principals and prayers, and spiritual response therapy, a dowsing system for deep healing. Currently, she works and plays in an intentional artist community in Santa Cruz, California, called the Tannery Arts Lofts where she provides workshops and psychic healings.

Joan Rose’s latest book, The Book of Pendulum Healing, was just released by Red Wheel/Weiser in Jan 2019. In addition, she is the author of Swimming the Inner Ocean, Stories of a Lightworker, and two other books on pendulum dowsing, Divination & Joy and Divination & Action.


Wendy R. Wolf