psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Linda & Charles Bloom

Without criticizing or judging, therapists and couple Charlie and Linda Bloom offer more than 100 tips and observations about establishing and maintaining lasting love. They dont promise that long-term relationships will be easy or that they will always be smooth, but they do promise that the advice in their new book is based on real couples facing real challenges who have come through those challenges with better, happier marriages.

The idea for the book came to Charlie and Linda as they looked at some of their friends, couples who had been married thirty-plus years but seemed as blissfully happy as newlyweds. When they asked these couples questions, however, they discovered that many had overcome life-shattering challenges, from financial difficulties, to old war wounds to previous relationship disasters to the betrayal and loss of trust from an affair. Far from smooth, many of these marriages had started out in trouble and gotten worse, but with loving dialogue and open hearts, the men and women had discovered ways to confront the issues, heal old wounds, and build a new partnership based on mutual trust, love, and, most of all, communication.

Charlie Bloom, M.S.W., and Linda Bloom, L.C.S.W., and have been assisting individuals, couples, and organizations in the process of developing wholeness and integrity since 1975. They are the founders and co-directors of Bloomwork, and they have lectured and taught seminars on relationships since 1986 to thousands of people throughout the United States and in overseas locations including China, Brazil, India, Japan, Indonesia, and Bangladesh. They are regular presenters at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, and they have been adjunct faculty members at the California Institute of Integral Studies, the Omega Institute, JFK University, the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, the University of California at Berkeley Extension Program, Antioch University, and many other institutes of higher learning. Charlie and Linda have been married since 1972 and have reared three children. They live in Santa Cruz, California.


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