psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Linda Star Wolf Ph.D.

Linda Star Wolf has been a visionary teacher and shamanic guide to thousands of people over the last 35 years. Starting out as a therapist in the mental health and addictions fields in the 1980’s, Star Wolf was a nationally certified alcohol and drug counselor for 30 years. She draws much of her wisdom from her personal experience of recovery and discovery from addiction.

The author of several books, she is the creator of Shamanic Breathwork®, the Shamanic Healing Initiatory Process® (SHIP), and the Founder of Venus Rising Association for Transformation, a non-profit organization, and Founder and President of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies. Star Wolf is also the co-founder of the Shamanic Mystery Tours and guides spiritual seekers to travel as emissaries to sacred shamanic sites around the world.

Dedicating her life to assisting others to release dysfunctional patterns and behaviors of all kinds and to radically transform their lives, Star Wolf teaches people how to awaken to the Bigger Picture, embody their own inner shamanic visionary consciousness, and step into a life of passionate purpose. Her personal commitment to sacred activism and visionary leadership led her to create the Shamanic Ministers Global Network and to certify Shamanic Breathwork Facilitators around the world.

Star Wolf holds a Bachelor of Science degree (with Honors) in Human Services from St. Leo College, a Doctorate of Ministry from Summit University, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Religious Studies from the University for Integrative Learning.

Inspired by the science of breath by eastern yogis, Rebirthing Breathwork founder Leonard Orr, Holotropic Breathwork founder, Stan Grof, and Integrative Breathwork founder Jacquelyn Small, Star Wolf became one of the lead breathwork trainers at Eupsychia Institute. Star Wolf also studied shamanic earth wisdom teachings with native elders, including Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, a Seneca Wolf Clan elder who adopted Star Wolf as a Spiritual Granddaughter, giving her the spirit name of Star Wolf.

Star Wolf’s lifelong passion and purpose have been to assist others with personal transformation and to raise planetary consciousness to a higher level of love and wisdom, one breath at a time.
One Breath – One Tribe – One Love


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