psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Lisa Heacock

Lisa Heacock is the proud mother of two adult daughters, Bree and Alexa and partner to

Darren. Lisa is the owner of Holistic Life Coaching with Lisa Marie.


Lisa is an International Certified and Accredited Life Coach, Grief Coach, Certified Grief

Educator, Key-note speaker, Podcast Host of the Because We Love – Finding meaning after

loss podcast, an International Best-Selling Author, and Breast Cancer Survivor.


After losing twelve loved ones through death in twenty-two-months, including her niece,

her parents, and her twenty-four-year-old son-in-law, Lisa knew if she was going to survive

both physically and mentally, she needed help! Seeking different modalities, Lisa was able to

create a life of purpose and passion around her pain. Now she helps others do the same.


Lisa is known as “The Action Coach” helping men and women take action to live

authentically and unapologetically in alignment with their values.


As a Life Coach Lisa’s priority is to create a safe confidential space for individuals who feel

stuck, lost, stressed, lacking confidence and clarity, or grieving any type of loss, to create a

life of passion and purpose.


Using her own experience, her education, empathy, and intuition, she helps men and

women rebuild, transform, and take action to create the life they desire and deserve.


The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond