psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Loral Langemeier

Loral Langemeier, also the founder of Live Out Loud, is the kind of personal development coach that walks the walk and talks the talk. For the last 7 years she has helped thousands of people reach their financial goals and over 600 people become millionaires with her 3 to 5 year wealth-building plan. This incredible accomplishment has earned her the title The Millionaire Maker. One she wears proudly.

She worked her way through college earning herself a Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology and Human Performance. Always the entrepreneur, she started her own business teaching aerobics and personal training while working at a bank to learn banking and investment skills.

With her entrepreneurial ingenuity, Loral used the combination of her Finance Degree and health background to land a contract with a global corporation Chevron.

After a 5 year run she moved on to San Francisco to work with a world- renowned personal development expert, Robert Kiyosaki. Over the years Loral worked and collaborated with some of the biggest and brightest names in personal and financial development. She understood early on that to become the best - you must seek out the best.

Loral cultivated an innate ability to hone in on the skills and talents of everyday people to inspire them to generate wealth. Over time she created, nurtured, and perfected a 3 to 5 year strategy to make millions for the "Average Jill and Joe".

The Millionaire Maker series of books earned her the much coveted spot on the New York Times Best Sellers List. Her Wealth Building Blitz and Cash Machine Workshops continue to break records in attendance and success. At her latest event 92% of her attendees left her seminar -- not only with a fully structured plan -- but having made money before leaving the workshop.

Her accomplishments continue to top the one before as her following grows and her no nonsense approach gains momentum among the masses. Currently Loral is the "Money Makeover Expert" on the Dr. Phil Show.

Loral's unique ability to communicate her powerful methods create the kind of motivation that is quickly becoming a movement that will surely keep her in the forefront as the one and only Millionaire Maker.


Wendy R. Wolf