psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Nataly Rajcevic

As keeper of the earth, it is one of my passions to connect you to the love of mother earth and her light. Inspired through my Druidic studies, I bring the light to the dark and to the fear of death. I work as a mediator between heaven and earth with the help of guides from the earthly and heavenly realm that are here for your highest good. I assist in bringing children and other beings down to earth.


Working with the source, I am able to tap in directly to the akashic records and heal from the core. Through my own body pain and slipped discs, I could not walk for several months as a dancer in my 20’s. Over the last 20 years I have learned a lot about what is possible for us here on earth. I have been working as a healer and teacher with many different technics. Since 2003 I have been a naturopath. In mediumship sessions I connect people with loved ones who passed away. I offer rituals for different life phases or cycles of the year. I also work on landscapes and houses.


I love the sea, I love to laugh, and dancing is my elixir. 


Wendy R. Wolf