psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

R Mark Davis

Mark Davis’s reputation for providing creative investment solutions and trustee counsel to help high net worth individuals and their families is well known in Seattle. His work as a tax CPA with Deloitte and Ernst and Young armed him with a clear understanding of the federal and estate tax implications and their impact on investment planning and generational estate tax transfer strategies.

Previously, Mr. Davis was the Marketing Director of Alan Biller and Associates, a global institutional investment consulting firm. At Citi Private Bank he was responsible for developing new relationships for lending, investment and trust services. Prior to that he Founded and is Chairman Emeritus of Sharebuilder Corporation/ Capital One Investing.

Mr. Davis is Co-Founder and President of The Seattle Philanthropic Advisor Network whose mission is to help advisors lead clients who have philanthropic intent to be more impactful. He is a 30+ year member of Seattle Rotary.


Wendy R. Wolf