psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Raven Mardirosian

Raven Mardirosian of Shivaya Wellness is a healer, artist and Tarot reader.

She is the author of the The Reluctant Tarot Reader: Adventures in the Gypsy Trade. Her essay, "Christian LGBT Kids: You're Part of the Plan" is included in the New York Times best-selling anthology, It Gets Better.

Raven created and hosted the popular BlogTalk radio show, Tarot Talk, in 2009. She is the author of three additional books: Spirit, Flow: A Photographic Prayer, Esprit, Vole: Prire photographique andChrysalis: Poems of Release. She has an M.A. in English CUNY, Bread Loaf School of English and taught English for many years in New York City and Vermont public schools.

Raven happily lives in Vermont. Visit her website, Facebook, Twitter, and G.


Wendy R. Wolf