psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Robin H. Clare

Robin's path to becoming a Divine Emissary began by leaving her traditional 25-year MBA business career and traveling the globe to study with spiritual masters. Robin had to reveal her deep secret of struggling for decades with food addiction and bulimia to open to her Divine gifts. She dug deep into current and past lives to heal wounds that had blocked success and fed her active addiction. This commitment led her to fully understand her Divine Destiny and an opportunity to live her most authentic life.


Now in recovery, Robin is fulfilling her mission as the host of the highly-acclaimed radio show, Hungry for Answers: From Recovery to Your Ultimate Life on Transformation Talk Radio. She is a best-selling author, speaker, and coach. She has documented her extraordinary spiritual journey in the highly-acclaimed Messiah Within, followed by Amazon bestsellers, The Divine Keys, and Feast & Famine. Upcoming books in 2021 include King Solomon Speaks and The Reluctant Mystic.


Awards include 10 Best Life/Business Coaches and 10 Best Energy Healers in The Natural Nutmeg Readers Polls of 2017-2020. Certifications include Recovery Coach Professional, Advanced Akashic Record reader, Reiki Master, 13th Octave LaHoChi practitioner. Robin is a channel for the Ascended Masters.


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