psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Robyn Fritz

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA is a writer, intuitive communicator, and book editor, writing coach and teacher. She challenges mindset through stories: by telling her stories, helping writers tell theirs, and helping the beings we didnt know had stories tell theirs, too.

As a writer she re-imagines our relationships with nature and animals, starting with the animals in our multi-species families. She explores the cultural, mystical, practical, and comic ramifications of living with animals, and with all life, as equal partners sharing our conscious, evolving planet.

As an intuitive communicator Robyn makes the woo-wooey practical, inspirational, relevant, and fun. She telepathically speaks with animals, businesses, homes, and nature, including wild/domestic land and weather systems. She also energetically re-aligns businesses, homes, and gardens for comfort, clarity, balance, sale, or re-direction.

As a book editor, writing coach and teacher she helps committed, visionary writers intuitively and creatively find the heart of their story and create compelling books.

Robyns column, Reflections from Murphy, was a finalist for the Merial Human-Animal Bond Award and for best Internet column from the Dog Writers Association of America. She lives in Seattle with her multi-species family: the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Murphy and Alki and Grace the Cat.


The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond