psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Robyn Hyatt

Robyn Hyatt exhibited psychic tendencies at a very young age. Her intense dreams of spirits that had crossed over and wanted to communicate with her began at a young age. In her early twenties, Hyatt began working with detectives on local cold case files and missing persons, eventually expanding to nationwide cases. Years later, while helping a family on a cold case, Hyatt had a strange, yet amazing apparition of a white sasquatch named Ntil, which she nicknamed White Canada. She received messages from this white Sasquatch and began recording the message. Robyn purchased a Lemurian Crystal. Held it in her hands and was transitioned to another time, she began to record what she saw and heard. Compiling these channeled messaged into her first book, “Inside The Lemurian Crystal”. This gave her direction to more channelings. As she stayed in the light she was attracted to those benevolent species, discovering her own existence with them. She now has documented over 40 benevolent species in her newest book as she channeled their existence and messages to mankind. It’s time they become known and understood.


Wendy R. Wolf