psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Sandra Anne Taylor

Sandra Anne Taylor has been a counselor in private psychological practice for more than 20 years. Her practice encompasses hypnosis, guided imagery, and cognitive and cellular restructuring for the treatment of addictions, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. She works with individuals, couples, and corporations on the energy of interpersonal relationships and life-enhancement skills.

Her latest book by Hay House, Quantum Success, New York Times Bestseller, is being applauded by scientists, businessmen, and worldwide leaders in the field of consciousness dynamics for being the first book of its kind to connect success and achievement to the science of personal energy patterns.

A highly motivating and inspiring speaker, Sandra lectures throughout the world on the quantum mechanics of health, relationships, and personal and financial success. Sandra's first book, Secrets of Attraction: The Universal Laws of Love, Sex, and Romance, published by Hay House, grew out of her passion for the "meta" physics of quantum physics. When she applied these scientific principles to the relationship issues which her clients were dealing with, she found that they worked with incredible regularity -- and brought amazing results. The culmination of that work can be found in the comprehensive seminar Act to Attract, the first CD program that explores the pursuit of romance in terms of universal law.


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