psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Sarah Eagle

Sarah Eagle, an Australian neurodivergent public speaker and consultant, supports companies in creating cultures of belonging

and assists late-diagnosed neurodivergent individuals in transitioning from chaos to joy in English-speaking countries. She

combines her expertise, education, career, and lived experience to help people embrace their unique differences with compassion.


Driven by a passion for social justice, Sarah's advocacy work led to her own autism diagnosis in her 40s, highlighting the strong

connection between neurodivergence and social justice activism.


In 2001, Sarah's brother Ben went missing during a psychotic episode in the Australian bush, leading Sarah to raise awareness about mental illness and its stigma. In Ben's memory, she earned a BA in Psychology with Honors, became a level 500 Yoga and Meditation teacher, and deferred her Clinical Masters in Psychology to support late- diagnosed neurodivergent individuals worldwide.


After decades of advocacy, Sarah experienced burnout and received a late diagnosis of autism and ADHD. She was honoured as the New South Wales Northern Tablelands Woman of the Year in 2014 for her contributions to mental health awareness, and was

selected as one of 11 Australians for the National Mental Health Commission’s Leadership program.


Sarah offers private consultations for late-diagnosed neurodivergent individuals, corporate programs to promote inclusion, and evidence-based courses for neurodivergent people.


Wendy R. Wolf