psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Shawna L. Frances

Shawna L. Frances is fulfilling her life's mission to help with the ascension of Mother Earth and humanity. Shawna channels many beings of higher light, including the Galactic Federation of Light, the Pleiadians, Archangel Metatron, the Order of Melchizedek and more. These beings have helped Shawna awaken to the true nature of our existence and informed her of the ascension and her unique role in this transformation. She brings these messages directly to the public via her YouTube channel where she has inspired thousands of others to embrace opportunities for growth and to have the courage to move into their own personal missions. Shawna hopes these messages of light and love from highly evolved beings of other dimensions will provide the inspiration, hope and strength to follow our own hearts on this journey of awakening. Shawna has published two books on the ascension and is available for one-on-one sessions for those seeking clarity and guidance. 
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Wendy R. Wolf