psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Susan Rose

Susan helps creative and motivated mid-level management professionals cultivate significantly more powerful, cohesive teams. The result is nothing short of transformational for both managers and their teams. Common results include increased levels of productivity, creative thinking, and ownership of tasks. Trust within the team is naturally built and strengthened through the process.

Susan now shares with others the aspect of corporate management that she loved most – coaching and facilitating others’ success. She has worked closely with all levels of management within corporations large and small. By focusing on interactions between individuals and enterprises, she has repeatedly facilitated development of productive, creative, and collaborative business relationships and teams in support of industry-wide initiatives. Being a great listener who also communicates clearly and concisely, Susan is adept at guiding others in conversations to 1) explore and identify disconnects between parties as well as processes, and 2) lay out steps to facilitate discussion, decisions, plans of action, and ultimately solutions. Her work encompasses group as well as individual coaching within corporations as well as small businesses.


Wendy R. Wolf