psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Virginia Sunshine

In 2008, after years of working in various restaurants, coffee shops and catering businesses, The Kitchen Mistress was created as a way to inspire and empower people to love their meals, figure out their bodies and self-heal through the various modalities of holistic nutrition, delicious healthy foods and a non-toxic lifestyle.

She says "I thought that if I could encourage, educate, entertain and excite my clients to a better relationship with what they put in their bodies {clean eats, structured water, happy thoughts, deep breaths, self-fives…for starters} I knew I could provide something special."

While striving to embolden people to be mindful of the cooking process, to know where their food comes from and to have fun in the kitchen – Virginia realized that not everyone has the time for that! You may not even have the desire or knife skillz to kick ass in the kitchen….or you may be a world-class athlete, who just wants all the deliciousness handled.

So Virginia-aka The Kitchen Mistress, decided to make that her mission.

The Kitchen Mistress (TKM) helps world-class athletes, busy families, driven professionals, celebs, and ALL walks of hustlers deal with the dilemma of what, when and HOW to eat the right foods for their body, situation, life circumstances and health goals. 


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