psychic talk radio

Guest Profile

Yukia Azorah Sandara

“Yukia Azorah Sandara is a Light Visionary who grounds Divine Light in the Body, so we can Live our Soul’s Purpose on Earth and UNIFY“


Yukia Azorah Sandara is a coach/mentor who works on a multi-dimensional Ascension Soul level to empower others.  She has dedicated her life for the past 35 years to assist humanity in the current planetary shift and is now using these gifts to help others discover their own spiritual gifts.


Yukia has studied quantum wisdom from the stars and planets through Higher Learning Universities, from her guides and her inner core group “The Sun Elders”. From a very early age she mastered many teachings and healing technologies through the languages of light, both written and spoken which she has shared with her spiritual community since 2008. She augmented her full embodied awakening with interaction in indigenous cultures and sacred sites around the world.


Yukia communicates at the level of soul consciousness, through her many multidimensional aspects. From these experiences, she has created her new “Sacred World Game”. The birth of this interactive adventure for children and adults together, was inspired by her amazingly gifted grandchild Rafael, who exemplified the innovative, creative, expanded awareness, many children are now bringing forth that are not being addressed by the current educational system.


Yukia is a guide & mentor of conscious evolutionary change and transformation both in the Corporate World and in the Light Worker Community. In her long career in Human Resources, she specialized in Organizational Development, Change and Transformation. Learn more about her layers of specialization on and her website at  Amongst her many accomplishments, Yukia is also the author of “Passage to Luminae” published in 2009 under the name Yukia Atika, currently available on




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on Vimeo.

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Ultra Light Transmission - New Dawn in 432Hz_.mp4

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    Wendy R. Wolf