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Host Profile

Gretta Chamberlain

Shifting Impressions: Conversations with the Realm of Beings to Create a New You

Fridays 8am PST, 11am EST

What if we could commit to creating a reality of abundance, health, and wellbeing? What if we commit to creating a reality of an expansive world where we contribute back to others and help them do the same. Every single thought we have, every word we speak, every feeling we feel contributes to reality, the question is, what can you learn? Tune into Shifting Impressions with hosts Gretta ... Read more

Shifting Impressions: Conversations with the Realm of Beings to Create a New You

Fridays 8am PST, 11am EST

What if we could commit to creating a reality of abundance, health, and wellbeing? What if we commit to creating a reality of an expansive world where we contribute back to others and help them do the same. Every single thought we have, every word we speak, every feeling we feel contributes to reality, the question is, what can you learn? Tune into Shifting Impressions with hosts Gretta Chamberlain, Carol Colatrella, and Kathleen Lee, every Friday at 8am Pacific, 11am Eastern,

Gretta, Carol, and Kathleen are a collective group of facilitators supporting the transmission of the Realm of Beings as it is brought forth into the world at this time through lively conversations with each other and the audience.

Join an informal discussion of topics that will raise your consciousness bringing unconditional love, abundant joy, and prosperity into your life.


Dr. Gretta Chamberlain, DN is a lecturer, a remote energy transformational specialist, and an educator, who channels the non-physical entities known as The Realm of Beings. Because of this, some have given her the title of “mystic” as she has worked internationally with persons throughout the world.

Since her childhood, she has been exposed to psychic phenomena and now embraces the teachings and guidance from The Realm, who have been with her throughout her life. As a remote energy worker, she has facilitated for hundreds of people and animals of earth, as she continues to teach the various aspects of Existence and the Creation of Reality. Her work continues to expand beyond this dimension into other worlds that are contained within this Universe. Consequently, she has a myriad of out-of-world experiences, as she facilitates for non-humanoid individuals, who reside outside of this planet. Her spiritual work is in a constant state of expansion as she works to elevate the spirit of humankind, the earth, and the Universe.

She has been a teacher of children and adults for over fifty years while here in this country and abroad, as well as doing transformational and energy work for over twenty years. At this time, Dr. Gretta and the Realm of Beings are placing an emphasis on explaining the Creation of Reality within the context of Existence, and how we manage the Energy Force within us. Her lectures are all channeled and center on how we, as human individuals, create and own our personal reality which begins before conception. Since, having studied with Dr. Irene Hickman, an Osteopathic medical doctor and hypnotherapist, in the art of remote depossession work, Dr. Gretta’s personal instruction has been continued through the auspicious guidance of the Realm of Beings, whom are high vibrational ethereal scientists. These Beings guide and direct her work and her faciliatory interactions with others in order to support them in their self-healing process, psychologically, physically, and spiritually. Together, Dr. Gretta and The Realm of Beings, have created a concept known as transformational science, which entails supporting individuals in initiating new life paradigms. This science supports persons in developing their desired conscious life experiences. One major concept, emphasized within the transformational process, involves understanding the role of the Unconscious in the manifestation of one’s reality. As part of this modality, she also works with various animals in their healing processes and works with individuals who have transitioned from this earthly plane.

All of Gretta’s work is done remotely in mind and not through the use of mechanical means. Also, she has a passion for assisting others to understand their creative force and that their solutions and their challenges are internal not external. She teaches that each person is the producer, director, and actor of their life experience, and that there is no limit to what can be accomplished. Consequently, with this insight, she developed and administered an agency that serviced thousands of people in the non-corporate arena. She worked with children and adults to support them in developing themselves to be the best that they could be. She extended this idea to infants when teaching that education begins in the womb to pregnant women in this country and in South Africa. In addition, she provided leadership training for employees of various social and educational organizations. Also, she facilitated for people who sought relief from debilitative diseases such as cancer, various types of addictions such as cocaine and alcohol, and from mental and psychological conditions such as depression that can prohibit happiness and feelings of self-love and enjoyment of life.

Dr. Gretta has worked for a major publishing company and developed computerized educational materials for children and their families. As an extension of this training, she is presently involved in writing a book, in conjunction with The Realm of Beings, entitled Existence, which is providing information on Source, Its infinitude, and what part we play in this phenomenon called life.

Dr. Gretta’s Bachelor and Master Degrees focus on education while her Doctorate degree is in Naprapathic Medicine which deals with the treatment of connective tissue and the alleviation of pain. Within this area, an emphasis was placed on subjects such as functional medicine, neuroscience, and the manipulation of bone structures and the spine. Her additional graduate training covered studies in clinical psychology with an emphasis on various therapeutic modalities such as psychoanalytic and client-centered therapies. You can follow daily quotes dealing with Existence from Dr. Gretta and The Realm of Beings on Facebook and Instagram under the title, “Gretta’s House.”

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  • "Being on the Dr. Pat show is always a pleasure! Kind of like a free ride on Mr. Toad's wild ride! As a guest, I always feel well considered and Dr. Pat brings out the best of me as well as my books. I highly recommend this show as cutting edge, open to new and different ideas and a whole lot of fun."
    Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D

  • "I want to thank you so very much because over the last 10 years you have really been a very instrumental part of our evolution because you're feeding cultural creatives, the audience, the wonderful people that are listening, people who are looking outside of the box, with answers that could help us thrive into the future. So I'm very honored to share this time with you Pat."  Bruce Lipton 
    Bruce Lipton

  • "My relationship with Pat Baccili has impacted my life far beyond what I ever thought possible. From our first meeting my journey has been truly nothing short of miraculous. I was coming from a place of total despair and hopelessness; I had tried on my own, and through years of therapy to change my life but circumstances never changed and the frustration left me depressed and at the end of my rope. Pat saw the challenges I faced and taught me how to take control of my life (this wasn't always easy). She never preached, never reprimanded, but always showed me another perspective through kindness and sometimes humor. More often than not I'd leave shaking my head wondering how she did it, but she did and I was always able to move forward and implement what I learned. Thanks to Pat I've found my life's purpose and I'm writing a novel, a story that's been in my head for decades. I don't know where this will lead and on most days I don't think about it, but when I do I know the possibilities are endless. I'm not going to lie and say I never have doubts, I still do from time to time but I will say my relationships with those I love are stronger and definitely more peaceful. There is one thing I know for sure, Pat has saved my life and I will be eternally grateful to her."

  • "Dear Pat, I recently found your website and was so intrigued by all the wonderful speakers you have had on your show and the ones who were to be aired in the future. And more than that, you offer your services to everyone for free and I am so thankful to you for doing that. I had called today and had spoken to Doreen Virtue about my misfortunes in love, finances, losing custody of my children, etc. To receive divine guidance from Doreen about clearing my anger and releasing it gave me so much hope that things could get better. I did what she said and cried in pain and released and forgave addition, I saw that my anger was keeping me stuck where I was and that I was keeping my children from coming home, which they so want to be with me and I with them. After realizing that anger only hurts me and affects other, I will continue to release and allow love and ask my angels for continous help with this. I will share with my children tomorrow when I see them for a few hours what I have learned and teach them what I have learned about how anger has impacted my life, and will express my new desires and beginnings with them on a new journey of love (and I'm sure they'll join my journey)."

  • "So first of all congratulations for all of the things that you have created and for all the differences that you have made in so many peoples' lives. I love hearing your story because I know the impact you have in the world. So Mazel tov to you." 
    Wendy Capland

  • "Being on the Dr. Pat show is always a pleasure! Kind of like a free ride on Mr. Toad's wild ride! As a guest, I always feel well considered and Dr. Pat brings out the best of me as well as my books. I highly recommend this show as cutting edge, open to new and different ideas and a whole lot of fun."
    Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D

  • "I want to thank you so very much because over the last 10 years you have really been a very instrumental part of our evolution because you're feeding cultural creatives, the audience, the wonderful people that are listening, people who are looking outside of the box, with answers that could help us thrive into the future. So I'm very honored to share this time with you Pat."  Bruce Lipton 
    Bruce Lipton

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