Powering Through Life
Topic: Triumph Over Challenge
Question 1 Tell me what life was like dealing with so many challenges, and yet still having to work and raise a family.
Question 2 Why do you think it took you so long to make the changes in your life?
Question 3 What is the biggest contribution you can make to you clients today and why that is so fulfilling for you?
Guest: Linda Sztanko
Bio: It took a 2 decade autoimmune disorder, battling cancer 3 X, moving on from a difficult first marriage and the threat of losing her livelihood after 30 years in the auto industry, before my next guest was finally ready to make a change.
Incredibly shy, having no business background and little self-esteem, she took a risk and retired to enter the world of entrepreneurism.
Focusing on her own personal development first, she found she had a natural skill for making people feel at ease and began helping others build large networking communities for bottom-line profit.
As her confidence grew, she began shifting with a desire to be of deeper service. Understanding how anxiety and fear can hold you back from living your life, she wanted to help others make significant changes in their lives. Her strong faith-walk led to a new direction.
Christian Coach & Mentor, Ordained Minister, Professional Speaker, Trainer and Author - Linda Sztanko
Teresa Syms
Teresa Syms is a Coach who shifts lives and transforms beliefs. She teaches people to find within themselves their lost joy, happiness and success either in the person...
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