psychic talk radio
Soul Musings with Dr. Connie: Exploring and Embracing Higher Perspectives

Soul Musings with Dr. Connie: Exploring and Embracing Higher Perspectives

Every 2nd Wednesday  1pm PT / 4pm ET

Did you know all experiences in your life are “FOR you”?
Join Soul Musings: Exploring and Embracing Higher Perspectives with me, Dr. Connie Stomper, as we examine how we can use all experiences in life for spiritual expansion, learning and growth. What may seem challenging on the physical, emotional or mental level can actually be purposeful for our souls evolution. When we take the perspective that: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” (Jesuit philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin), we see life differently.

From that vantage point, we understand that we are here learn to grow more and more into our true nature as souls— a nature characterized by loving, compassion, joy, peace and service. With that focus, we can exercise those qualities in any situation in order to build those “spiritual muscles” that put us more in touch with who we truly are. We can choose to act not only for our own upliftment but with an intention of the highest good of all concerned.

Knowing this life is “for us” as a soul, we can also learn to create more intentionally and with a focus on the essence of the experience we want and not simply the form that we hope will bring us what we are looking for. So many times we work to create something in our lives—-a job, a relationship, a house, money only to find that even when we get it, it does not bring us the satisfaction, love, joy or whatever experience we thought it would bring. As we realize more and more that as a soul we ARE those qualities we hoped would be supplied by something outside of ourselves, we can learn to co-create with spirit from the fullness of who we are. Our outer world becomes an expression of those qualities, rather than thinking we need the outer experience for something that is really a quality of our true self.

Soul Musings also bring this higher perspective in looking at ways we can live and work together in order to build a more loving, cooperative world. By honoring ourselves and others as souls who are infinitely creative and capable, we can vision and manifest a world that works for everyone. We’ll explore principles of communication and collaboration within ourselves, in couples and other one-to-one relationships, and in groups with a focus on the consensus decision making process and the essence of “community.” In this way we can move into owning our lives as “FOR us” individually and collectively to lift higher and co-create In alignment with our divine nature. In each episode, Dr. Connie will share awarenesses and tools gained from her own life experience that you can use in your own soul’s journey. As we embrace this perspective that we are spiritual beings here to expand spiritually, we can live life, as the poet Rumi said, “as if everything is rigged in our favor.”

Check out my Dr. Connie’s website to learn more about Dr. Connie’s individual and couples counseling/coaching, her workshops: “Creating through Intention,” and “Receiving the Blessings in Everyday Experience” and her blogs. Also check out the consensus decision making trainings that she co-created and co-facilitates with author and Community Planet founder, Jack Reed.

Visit to connect with Dr. Connie and/or book a 15min free consult.


Dr. Connie Stomper

Dr. Connie Stomper

Soul Musings with Dr. Connie: Exploring and Embracing Higher PerspectivesEvery 2nd Wednesday  1pm PT / 4pm ET Did you know all experiences in your life are “FOR ...

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