Archived Episodes
Exploring Mother Earth's Secret for Ultimate Transformation with Guest Host Robin H. Clar...
The Earth has chakras just like we do, and when we access them, we transform ourselves and all of Humanity by expanding the consciousness of the planet. When you align your chakras with the Earth chakras, you can e...
: Precognitive Dreamwork and The Long Self: Interpreting Messages from Your Future with E...
In this accessible exploration of precognition, precognitive dreamwork, and a radically new biographical sensibility, the Long Self, that precognition awakens us to, Eric Wargo shows how dreamworkers can play the r...
Rise Up! Awakening Through Revelation: 10 Days on the Ascension Path with Suzanne Ross
Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as SUZANNE ROSS, author of Rise Up! Awakening through Revelation, takes you on an extraordinary adventure. During her 10 Days on the Ascension Path, you will witness virtua...
Climate Shock with Special Guest Dr. Stephanie Mines
Prepare for Climate Shock Now. Climate Shock happens when the reaction to disastrous environmental conditions adheres to layers of earlier trauma. Your nervous system is likely to signal an old coping mechanism whe...
UFOs exist - now what?? with Guest Hosts Jason & Patricia Rohn
We have seen so much information trying to prove that UFOs exist but what if they do? If this topic fascinates you, there is a reason! As Intuitives we will talk about the existence of UFOs, why you’re intere...
Healing As the Divine Feminine with Suzanne Alexandria
Join us as we discuss healing with Divine Feminine Ascended Masters and how they are showing us completely new healing and consciousness potentials. Watch live on Facebook.
How Covid19 is The Spiritual Catalyst We Need with Special Guest Zalah
This talk with Zalah from The CFT The Centre For Transformation takes a deeper look into the spiritual catalyst of Covid19 and the gifts it is bringing to human consciousness.
Spiritual Glam - Damn! with Guest Patricia McNair
Sharing Divine Guidance experience. Watch live on Facebook.
The Lotus and the Bud: Cannabis, Consciousness, and Yoga Practice with Christopher S. Kilham
In addition to instructions for breathwork and cannabis meditation practices, Kilham offers an illustrated guide to his own system of cannabis yoga, a sequence of asanas (postures) developed to arouse the kundalini...
Shapes of Your Steel with Co Host Christine Clark
There are two main forces at work as we forge our lives striving to live authentically and also make a living. The inner child subconscious and the intellectual conscious. Understanding both of these is your key to...
Dreaming Techniques with Serge Kahili King
Serge Kahili King has been studying dreams all his life. In his new book, the psychologist looks at the types of dreams we have, how to remember them and how to interpret them. He offers techniques for using our dr...
Path 11 TV with founders Michael Habernig and April Hannah
A production company dedicated to making films, broadcasting interviews, live streaming conferences & events and delivering information to help the human race to relax and enjoy life. Path 11 TV's mission is to...
Consciousness through Covid: Conscious Relating and Conscious Split up with Sabina Radema...
The simple and sad truth is we have never been taught how to relate and what relationship really means Watch live on Facebook.
Encore: Chakra Cards for Belief Change with Nikki Gresham-Record
A card deck and therapy tool in one, this boxed set offers 56 full-color cards to assist you in transforming your unhelpful beliefs and raising your vibration to begin creating the reality you desire. The cards fea...
Near Death Experiences and Death Bed Visions with Mark Anthony
Have you had a near death experience? Do you know what a near death experience is like? Watch live on Facebook.
Encore: Deva: Our Relationship with the Subtle World with Jacquelyn E. Lane
This comprehensive, readable introduction to the Deva Kingdom explains not only the Angelic realm that overlights Nature but how Deva gifts us our experience of being human on planet Earth. DEVA combines a metaphys...
Unbounded: Journey to Your Within with Aaron McCormick
In his new book Unbounded, Journey to Your Within, Aaron takes readers through their own past experiences to unequivocally prove their latent power and also identify and use their North Star—Joy—for eve...
Deva: Our Relationship with the Subtle World - Part 2 with Jacquelyn E. Lane
This comprehensive, readable introduction to the Deva Kingdom explains not only the Angelic realm that overlights Nature but how Deva gifts us our experience of being human on planet Earth. DEVA combines a metaphys...
Guest Host Jennifer Bloome: Coming Back After Money Broke Your Heart: with her guest Jenn...
What does your money heartbreak look like, feel like and how do you know you have it? What do you really want to experience with money? Find out the tools and tips to move you through the heartbreak. Watch ...
Full Circle of Love enables you to walk through steps and tools to stop struggling. Watch live on Facebook.
Chakra Cards for Belief Change with Nikki Gresham-Record
A card deck and therapy tool in one, this boxed set offers 56 full-color cards to assist you in transforming your unhelpful beliefs and raising your vibration to begin creating the reality you desire. The cards fea...
Deva: Our Relationship with the Subtle World with Jacquelyn E. Lane
This comprehensive, readable introduction to the Deva Kingdom explains not only the Angelic realm that overlights Nature but how Deva gifts us our experience of being human on planet Earth. DEVA combines a metaphys...
How can mindfulness practices address racism? with Special Guest Mariangela Maguire!
Mindfulness means bringing our awareness to the present moment without judgment. I believe that mindfulness practices remain relevant even during a pandemic and during citizen protests against racism. Specifically,...
'Embodying Your Higher Self' with Michele Cempaka!
'Embodying Your Higher Self - Tools for Conscious Living' - In these chaotic times, now more than ever we need to turn within and access our Higher Self for wisdom & self healing. Michele Cempaka shares some si...