psychic talk radio
IaM Power Hour: Soul Stretching Success with Terry J. Walker: YOU ARE YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET!   Living Life On Purpose!

IaM Power Hour: Soul Stretching Success with Terry J. Walker: YOU ARE YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET! Living Life On Purpose!

  07/08/2020  11:00 am PDT

Terry J Walker, IAm Power Hour, The Dr Pat Show, Dr Pat Show, Dr Pat, Pat Baccili, Transformation Talk Radio, transformationThe odds of us being here in this place and time are 1 in 400 Trillion. That is a pretty big number, wouldn’t you agree? With those odds, it stands to reason that We all have a purpose and a reason for being here in this place and time. During these challenging and changing times, have you asked yourself, what am I doing to enhance my personal and professional development? You may wonder why ask such a question. The answer is, I want YOU to Know that—YOU Matter and it is time to start living Life on Purpose.

Join the Soul Stretchin’ Sisters as we tell a few stories, have a few laughs, maybe even some “AHA” moments, as we discuss You Are Your Most Valuable Asset, the Soul Stretching Way, of course.

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terry j walker co-host transformation talk radio

Terry J. Walker M.A.

I AM Power Hour: Soul Stretching Success with Terry J. Walker Limber up your inner strength and pump up your spiritual muscle on the I AM Power Hour - with Terry J. Walker ...

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dr pat baccili host of the dr pat show and transformation talk radio network

Dr. Pat Baccili

Dr. Pat Baccili helps individuals and organizations break through their limiting Crust so they can reach their unlimited potential. Her specialty is assisting people face t...

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