psychic talk radio
The Kornelia Stephanie Show: It's All About Energy: Tap into the Feeling of Rich with this Abundance Gathering

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: It's All About Energy: Tap into the Feeling of Rich with this Abundance Gathering

  11/01/2018  10:00 am PDT

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: It's All About Energy: Tap into the Feeling of Rich with this Abundance GatheringYou’ve had the power all along now it’s time to be responsible for it and allows your heart's desire to be experienced and fulfilled! Why Radical self-love is the key to manifesting the abundance waiting to pour into your reality. Feeling abundant for no reason at all attracts more abundance. Expand to all kinds of Riches with this abundance gathering and manifest with precision a rich life.

Episode giveaways:

  • Receive four gifts for listening to the show:
  • I year Membership to my online Women's Circle. Wealthy Roots. Valued at $1500.00 First, sign up for my newsletter at and be The 25th email in my inbox Email in the subject line write. I'm ready to influence wealth.
  • Free Soul Liberation Consult - uncover the alignment blocks keeping you from allowing-in the abundance you desire:
  • BodyTalk Session on decluttering old toxic energy chords + boosting up your energy field so you can transmute the energy around the money you receive faster.
  • FREE PDF on how to create a safe and sacred space and event from Susan Glavin.


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